Alumni Testimonials

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“My FKCP School years were fond ones filled with love in a supportive, challenging learning environment.  In addition to a strong academic focus, high moral standards, coupled with a supportive creative arts environment, made for a well-rounded early years experience.  I not only learned the mechanics of navigating life, I learned that I could achieve whatever I set my mind to and worked hard for.   I left with lifelong friends and great memories that played a significant part in shaping who I am today.”
Kenturah Davis, ‘97

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I established life long relationships as a result of Price and owe everything I am today to the education I received there.
Marissa Harrington, ‘99

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I came to Price in 1990 for Kindergarten and graduated from high school in 2003. And the one thing that Price gave me that has had a great impact on my life...The friendships that were formed. Like my best friend of 31 years, that I met in at Price, in Kindergarten!
Timothy White, ‘03

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“I am a Price Lifer, having attended preschool through high school.  I recall always being surrounded by positive people, and constant encouragement.  Students were lovingly pushed to always strive for bigger and better, and to embrace the fact that there are no limitations.  This definitely instilled a “can-do” mindset.  I experienced this difference when I attended college, and talked with peers who did not have the same experience, resulting in a lack of confidence.  My own confidence was put to the test when school advisors told me that I couldn’t go to medical school.  As I was not accustomed to people telling me I couldn’t do something, this created a challenge as a first-time experience.  I pressed on, worked hard and remained diligent, and today, am a successful doctor at Loma Linda University Medical Center.  I am ever-grateful for the firm foundation and teaching I received at FKCP School, and am a life-long supporter.”  
Morgan Hawkins, ‘04

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Price shaped my world view, taught me my (Black) history, gave me my best friends!
Lesley Mathews, ‘09

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Price Schools gave me good and firm roots. Because of the values and principles I received during my time at Price, I was able to go out into the world and thrive without losing myself or my path. I was able to navigate school, relationships, jobs, setbacks and accomplishments with grace, focus, and faith. I never doubted that God was with me and seeing me through. And that's all because of the foundation provided to me by Price.
Lauren Hopkins, ‘05


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